“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.”
– William Yeats
A Red Orchid Theatre’s distinguished stage work is built on its bedrock principles of honesty, compassion and rigor. It is this aesthetic which is mirrored in our burgeoning education program where our offerings are unique as our productions. We purposefully craft our classes to reflect a passionate and relevant artistic inquiry by teachers and for students.
Although artistic experience is a significant prerequisite for our various classes, A Red OrchED is not guided by competitive or arbitrary tiered levels, a linear progression or one specific training method and pedagogy. Our classes are designed with an approach that invites infinite curiosity and compelling questions rather than blanket answers and a one-size-fits all approach. Each session of classes is created, curated and tailored based on need and interest of both teacher and student. As a result, students are empowered to be active seekers of their own artistic truths rather than vast receptacles of pre-ordained wisdom.
A Red OrchED financial assistance and reduced fees are essential opportunities we offer along with intimate class sizes that balance individually geared attention with ensemble ethics.
A Red OrchED Classes
Click the courses below to explore our current offerings!
A Red OrchED FAQs
How do I pay for my course?
A non-refundable and non-transferable $100 deposit is due at the time of registration via a link that will be emailed to you. We are also happy to accept your payment over the phone: (312) 943-8722.
The remainder of tuition is due on the first day of class; however, full payment is accepted at the time of registration. We currently do not accept payment plans.
Do you offer free or discounted classes?
Some financial assistance is awarded at the discretion of A Red Orchid Theatre. Click here to complete the application form. For more information, please contact Managing Director Audrey Billings at audrey@aredorchidtheatre.org.
Do you offer make up classes?
Makeup classes are at the discretion of the instructor but are generally not offered nor guaranteed, unless a class is cancelled due to instructor absence. When enrolling, please plan to commit to the entire time frame of the class to the best of your ability.
My schedule changed and I need to drop the class. Can I get my deposit back?
If you need to cancel your enrollment before the start of the scheduled class, you must provide our office (call 312-943-8722 or email Audrey Billings at audrey@aredorchidtheatre.org) with at least ONE WEEK’S NOTICE prior to the commencement of your class or session. This will allow us to accommodate other students who may be on our waiting list. Your $100 non-refundable deposit will be kept on file as a credit towards a different class for one year from the date of the original payment. You will be refunded any amount over the $100 non-refundable deposit paid prior to the start of class.
Should a student fail to provide us with the required cancellation notice of at least 1 week prior to the scheduled start of the class or session, the student will forfeit the $100 deposit.
Will there be photographs taken in class?
By enrolling in a class at A Red Orchid Theatre, you agree that A Red Orchid has your permission to use your photograph or likeness to publicly promote our classes and programs via print publications, online publications, email promotions, social media posts, or our website. You acknowledge that no royalty, fee, or other compensation will be due to you for such usage of your image.
What are the boundaries of my participation?
No audition, job, role, or public performance at A Red Orchid Theatre is implied or guaranteed in any way by your enrollment or participation in classes at A Red Orchid Theatre. Instructors will have access to headshots & resumes to assess skill & experience levels for the purposes of curating classes only.
Please list classes taken as such on your resume under education rather than as theatre credits.
A Red Orchid is a safe space in which to take risks. Instructors will always approach with respect and safety considerations as paramount priorities and student consent and permission will always be sought prior to any challenges offered.
What material will be used in classes?
Dramatic material will be selected by both instructor and student depending on class and circumstance. Both parties are required to select material in a timely manner to allow for proper preparation. Final selection and presentation of material must receive instructor approval.